4 Proven Tactics That Will Improve Your Blog Traffic

Are you trying to increase your daily or monthly blog visits? turn random visitors into dedicated subscribers? or start a blog entirely from scratch?
while building a blog is an easy task, especially using WordPress, generating significant traffic is the hard part. When you publish a blog post, you will expect shares links and comments to start rolling in, unfortunately, the reality is different. Your awesome blog post remains ignored, nobody shares it and it does not bring the desired traffic.
In this article, we will highlight a list of practical and informative ideas on some of the best tactics to improve your blog traffic. Start reviewing these tips and implement them if they weren’t followed. Creating a blog that brings huge amount of traffic will require hard, and consistent work. By following the below best practices you will able to make consistent improvements from post to post.

1. Determine Who Is Your Audience

To be successful at this task, you need to have a clear understanding of the personas you are targeting. Think about your potential customers and what helpful industry content they need.  By creating target personas you will be able to visualize and understand your readers better, and it will make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different groups.
Here are some practical methods for gathering the information needed to develop a professional persona:
  1. Interview your existing customers and readers, either in person or through a survey, to discover what problems they have or which content they like. Ask questions.
  2. Create forms on your website that capture important persona information like their company size, job role, and challenges.
  3. Monitor how your readers are consuming your content, uncover trends and topics that are attracting more visitors.
  4. Always review and optimize your target personas. As we live in a fast-changing world, your personas might also change their mind about what they read, or what motivate them.

2. Produce Quality Posts

The key to getting any results with your content strategy is Publish quality content regularly and consistently. If you want to get organic traffic from your blog, you need to write about topics your audience is actually searching for.
Based on your knowledge of your target audience, create a long tail keyword or topic list that your audience searches for most. These should be relatively specific. For example, “Marketing” is not a good keyword it’s too general and too widely searched for. You need to be much more specific and write posts for a more niche group of people. “Marketing tips for e-commerce” would be a more niche topic.
When you find a topic your audience love, start digging deeper and writing more blog posts about that specific topic.

3. Create Catchy and Spectacular Headline

An informative and irresistibly awesome headline will make your blog stand out from the rest. Your headline is what get you traffic to your website and encourage readers to click on your post. Your blog title should capture visitors interest enough to generate curiosity among them. It is even more important than your actual content, if you have a great content that hides behind a bad title, you will have zero chance of getting noticed.
Don’t forget to experiment with different headlines. Share your post multiple times with different titles and see which style works best for you
Below are 3 powerful online tools to help you come up with awesome headline ideas:
  1. Ubersuggest
  2. Answer The Public
  3. Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator

4. Maintain a Publishing Calendar

Once you start producing post regularly, it is time to determine how often you will publish your post and on which channel.
First, you need to determine the frequency of which you will schedule blog posts. Focus on producing high-quality blog posts that will drive more traffic. You’ll need to figure out how often to post based on the type of posts you’re publishing and how long it takes you to actually create that content.
Then you need to determine when your target personas will be accessing your blog, how frequently they do that? or when will they be most likely to see your posts?
Once you’ve determined the frequency of your blog posts based on post type and your audience, you need to start routinely scheduling it. Planning is the best way to execute your blogging efforts successfully. Publishing schedule on the appropriate social media platforms makes it easy for their content to spread as fans share, embed and comment on the social web. Ensure that you add the top marketing channels to your arsenal.
Some of the software that can help you publishing posts efficiently are Hootsuite or Buffer App.


The above points are important tips to increase blog traffic. But you should take into consideration that blog traffic cannot increase overnight. Getting new traffic sounds like a lot of work and requires immense patience too. But the wait and effort are worth every minute.

Use the above tips well to drive more traffic to your blog. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Here are also some related articles on how to increase traffic to your blog:

CTA SEO practices you should avoid

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